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COVID-19 Update - President's Message

Updated: Apr 6, 2020

As the reality of COVID-19 continues to unfold, our thoughts are with our families and players. This is a tough time for everyone and your health and safety is our greatest priority at this time.

At this point in time all football/sports activities are suspended until 14 April 2020 and the season for most competitions is planned to restart on 1 May 2020. As a result we have placed our club and facilities into a shutdown. All of our fields and facilities are closed and we would encourage everyone to ensure that they minimise any travel, stay home and to ensure that social distancing measures are implemented. We are asking that the fields not be used and that we observe the measure that are in place which will hopefully see everyone back playing football sooner rather than later.

We have been in constant contact with Football Brisbane and have participated in a number of online meetings. Whilst there has been no decision, it is highly unlikely that football activities will resume on 14 April, however clubs and Football Brisbane have been working on contingency plans for various alternate start dates and there is still a high degree of confidence that once the season starts that a full season of fixtures will be delivered. This will include measures of potentially extending the season until December, playing through the school holidays, playing midweek games as well as on weekends and also super weekends (two fixtures played over a weekend).

All clubs are standing united and are waiting to see what the final outcome will be with respect to the season. Obviously the current situation is fluid and as decisions are made we will be able to offer you more clarity and options which may range from refunds (including partial) and or credits for 2021 season.

Whilst our MiniRoos, Juniors and Seniors are dependent on Football Brisbane and when those programs can start, our in-house (Hatchlings/Fledglings) are independent and at this stage we are confident that we will be able to deliver a full season (18 sessions) and activities will commence as soon as the government provides the all clear. In the event that we are not able to deliver a full season we will provide our participants with various options.

There will no doubt be some changes to our programs and inclusions as not only is COVID-19 impacting the ability to deliver our products, but the economic impact of this crisis will result in some very tough financial measures and it is possible that some of our sponsor funded programs will not be able to be delivered.

I also wish to advise that our Annual General Meeting on the 30th March has been cancelled and will be rescheduled to a future date.

As President, I seek your support and ask that you be patient with us over this uncertain time and that we will ensure that every one of our participants are taken care of and that your membership fees have been secured.

Our greatest empathy goes out to all families including any fighting the virus and families that have been displaced by having one or more out of work. Sadly some of our own volunteers have been laid off work, but we all remain committed to you and your family and our amazing club and we aren’t just a football club – we are family and we will stick together and support each other in tough times.

Please stay safe, look out for each other, and we hope to be playing football real soon!


Mark Brittain President

Mt Gravatt Hawks FC


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