Mt Gravatt Hawks FC | Dittmer Park, Klumpp Road, Upper Mt Gravatt, Brisbane 0406 282 076

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We don't like to close our fields, but they are an extremely expensive maintenance item for our clubs which is funded by our members, so we will close fields to avoid damaging our fields. When fields are closed we will implement the following Wet Weather Procedures:
On Training Days we will try and leave the closure of our grounds as late as possible. We will typically inspect and make a decision around 4pm each day. If it is obvious that the fields are going to be closed sooner, an advice will be issued earlier. Sometimes it is necessary to close fields after 4pm (such as a late afternoon storm) and these circumstance are typically out of our control. If you are using our Team App you will receive a notification via your smart device.
Game Day
On Game Days we will inspect our fields at 7am (4pm for Friday night games) and make a decision as to the condition of our grounds. We will post cancellations or changes on our channels as well as inform Football Brisbane of our closure. This only applies to our home games ONLY.
Football Queensland posts Cancellation for ALL CLUBS (so for away games you will need to check Football Queensland's website regularly).
When Cancellations occur at our grounds we will post information on these channels:
Website - (see the FIELD STATUS on the homepage) -
Facebook Group - (check the group for any posts) - NOTE: We will no longer be posting Cancellations on the Official Facebook Page)
TeamApp - this is the best way to be notified as you will be sent a notification (keep notifications on) so you'll never miss a cancellation