At Mt Gravatt Hawks FC we don't undertake trials per se, but rather grading of all players. This means that if you are registered as a junior player you will be guaranteed a place in a team.
ALDI MiniRoos and Junior grading commences on Monday, January 28 and will run for a period of two weeks and may include grading games.
[Click Here] to secure your place for the 2019 season.
If you prefer to attend grading prior to registering as player, then we urge you to register your interest to help our coaches plan the session.
Register your interest for 2019 MiniRoos (U8-U11) grading [click here]
Register your interest for 2019 Junior (U12-U16) grading [click here]

All grading sessions will be held at Dittmer Park, Klumpp Road, Upper Mount Gravatt.
U8 - U11 Mon & Thu 5-6PM
U12 Mon & Wed 6-7PM
U13 Tue & Thu 6-7PM
U14 Mon & Wed 6-7PM
U15 Mon & Wed 6-7PM
U16 Tue & Thu 7-8:30PM
NOTE MiniRoos (U8-11) Players: All players are invited to attend, with only the Komodo Team being graded. All other players will be placed in teams and requests to be with other players will be accommodated where possible. If you do not wish to be considered for the Komodo Team you do not have to attend and you will be allocated a team at Team Placement.
If you are not registered as a player and are attending grading, you can only be placed in a team if there are available places (player that are registered and paid are guaranteed a place in a team).
If you have any questions, please contact